We all know that consuming a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart. Because red wine is made by fermenting the grape seeds and skins in the juice, the antioxidants from the seeds and skins are lost to the wine. By contrast, Chardonnay wine is made by fermenting the juice after removing the skins and seeds. So while red wine has more antioxidants to drink for the heart, Chardonnay grape seeds are the go-to for extracting antioxidants for skin care purposes. Remember, drink a glass of red wine a day to live longer but use our Chardonnay products to keep your skin looking younger!
Since 2003, Olavie has been producing the finest quality wine therapy skin care for spa treatments. Our clients include top spas in the world and we have fans among top celebrities in Hollywood. The most heart-warming endorsements come from normal people who have seen first hand how amazing our products are in bringing an end to dry skin and helping restore problematic skin to a youthful glow and silkiness. A client recently told us the following:
I have extremely dry skin and had some eczema after sunbathing in Asia for a month! After using the oil daily as a moisturizer, to my surprise my skin has become soft and moisturized, the eczema is also gone. I have even used it on my face with the same result.
This is just one of many emails we have received attesting to the antioxidant abilities our Chardonnay products provide. Other customers tell us how ecstatic they are to find our products after trying a ton of other name brand products that don't work.
Through the years, we also noticed that people living in the wine country seem happier and healthier. While regular spa treatments with good antioxidant products are important, the secret to health and happiness lies in stress-free lifestyle. We endeavor to bring vineyard living to you through antioxidant skin care products that keep you looking young, and home products that will give you that virtual vacation to the wine country anytime you feel like a mini-escape.